Global Alliance Worldwide Chauffeured Services wishes to inform our valued clients that as of late next week, on or around Thursday, April 28th, our Vanterra vehicles will no longer be available for transfers. These vehicles will be sold in favour of an upgrade to Mercedes Sprinters, in line with the type of vehicle at this size and capacity that is in use for limousine service in most cities in North America, Europe, and elsewhere in the world.
We expect our new Sprinter Vans to be delivered at the end of May and available for bookings as of June 2016. Vanterras will continue to be used until late next week (on or around Thursday, April 28th being their final service date). More information about the Sprinters will follow once available. In the interim period between the end of Vanterra availability and the beginning of Sprinter availability, our Executive Transit Vans will be the preferred option at this vehicle size and capacity.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns about this fleet update.