An absolutely vital part of delivering superior chauffeured transportation services is making certain that the correct information gets to the right people at the right time, to be sure that our clients get to where they need to be at the right time. This basic element of success in providing limousine services is precisely why the Chauffeur Direct system employed by Global Alliance Worldwide Chauffeured Services is so important.
A key feature of the Livery Coach program that is the technological foundation of Global Alliance’s services, Chauffeur Direct allows the name and phone number of an assigned chauffeur to be automatically sent via email or text message (or both) to the booker, passenger(s), or designated contact person(s) for a limo service reservation. This short and simple message is auto-sent about 20 minutes prior to the reserved pick-up time to any number of recipients.
In the age of smart phones and other handheld data devices, this vital information for your transportation can be transmitted to clients and/or passengers wherever they are, allowing them to contact their assigned driver directly to coordinate a rendezvous point, ask them to wait a little longer, or even to move to another location should the pick-up point change unexpectedly. In addition to chauffeur names and contact numbers, transfer status updates can likewise be sent automatically through Chauffeur Direct. This way, clients or passengers can be informed immediately if a chauffeur is on the way or arrived at the desired location, when a passenger is in the vehicle, or when they have been dropped off safely at their destination.
Although Chauffeur Direct operates automatically, delivering chauffeur names and phone numbers at a pre-programmed time without the conscious action of an agent in the Global Alliance office, on many occasions clients request chauffeur information farther in advance than the program’s 20-minute window. Chauffeur Direct’s messages can therefore also be “pushed” out manually by our agents in such cases once our dispatchers have made an appropriate advance chauffeur assignment as requested. This activity will be noted in the relevant booking as well, so that if any change in assignment becomes necessary, clients and passengers who might have already received the chauffeur information can be advised of the adjustment.
Your reservation agent will set up the Chauffeur Direct feature for you when they are building your booking profile and/or when adding the names and contact information of your passengers to a specific order or orders. Don’t be surprised if an agent asks for a passenger’s email, even if they already have a contact phone number. It will no doubt be to set up Chauffeur Direct and ensure that they get the right information at the right time.