New Global Alliance clients might be surprised to be asked by their reservations agent for their full name, contact information and credit cards details when they contact our office to reserve limousine service. Especially if the requester is booking service for another passenger, they may well find themselves wondering why all of this material is required by Global Alliance in order to book what is sometimes a simple one-way transfer.
The reply to such concerns is that it is to facilitate the reserving, dispatching, and billing process and ensure the most efficient and accurate limo service possible for our clients. Saving and protecting our clients’ names, associated companies, addresses, email, and phone numbers make it easy to contact either the passenger or the person booking for them quickly and easily in the case of any issues arising with their chauffeured transportation. Keeping pertinent information on file greatly reduces the time required to enter a reservation, to the shared benefit of our busy, time-sensitive clients and our reservationists alike.
Working from an existing profile can make setting up new booking individuals from the same company much easier as well. With only a quick call or email, exisiting client contacts can authorize new bookers for the use of a company credit card or billing account. Multiple email addresses can be added to profiles, allowing multiple persons to receive confirmations, receipts, and driver details automatically for any booking. Special notes can also be added to profiles, prompting Global Alliance agents to make informed selections when it comes to rates, vehicle types, or chauffeur assignments. These notes can be set to insert automatically in every booking by the given contact or passenger, or can remain private for office use only.
The reservations practices and procedures at Global Alliance are complex and detail-oriented, but utilizing a full booking profile greatly streamlines the process for our clients. Security is also of paramount importance. Information from profiles will not be given out to unauthorized parties that may request it, and all sensitive credit card numbers are password-protected and can only be accessed by our well-trained and discreet agents.
Utilizing booking profiles is therefore very much in the best interest of our clients and their concerns in arranging limousine service. A few additional minutes spent at the beginning of their relationship with Global Alliance to collect and save these details in our files allows our clients’ interactions with our reservations professionals to proceed as efficiently as possible.